Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring and Summer Shake!

Here's a tasty recipe that I love to drink in the mornings for a natural boost! It's loaded with vitamins, nutrients, Super foods, and LOVE--of course!
Enjoy...and please add or take away as you like.
*Also, please eat Locally Organic and Seasonally (foods that are grown in accordance with Organic standards, and preferably local and in season) to ensure that you are getting the best nutrients possible!


1 1/2- 2 cups of Fresh Spring Water
Juice of 3 Oranges (or blood oranges when in season)
5 frozen Strawberries
6 pieces of frozen Mango or 1/2 banana (eliminate banana if you have any cold or mucus build up)
1 raw egg (yep, I said raw! It's the healthiest way to eat an egg!)
1/2-1 tsp bee pollen (eliminate if you have any allergies to bees or bee products)
1 T. of ground flax seeds or chia seeds
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 T. of Greens powder (I use "Garden of Life")
1 large scoop of LOVE


Blend all ingredients in a blender for about 30 seconds, or until you see everything come together smoothly (add more water if too thick.) Enjoy, breathe, smile... and know that you will be a Superhero today!

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