Monday, October 26, 2009

Kitchen Remedies

Now that Fall is upon us, do you find yourself in sync with the season; or frustrated with the onset of cold and flu symptoms?

As the weather and surroundings change around us, we may find that our bodies internally mimic what Nature does best: Detoxify! Just as the leaves are falling from the trees, and releasing what they no longer need. Ideally, our bodies are doing the same. If we have over indulged in the Summer months, than our bodies will be detoxifying that much more.

The days get shorter and the nights longer. The weather turns colder, and innately we know that we should be hibernating inside more and going outside less. The hibernation process gives our bodies a chance to detoxify naturally and to "recharge" from the Summer months. If we don't follow the seasons of Fall and Winter well, we may find that the detoxification process is kicked up even more. Our immune system may get challenged, and we may find ourselves sick! The good news is that there are natural things we can do to help that process along.

It's important to note that although we don't like the feeling of getting sick, it is one of the greatest powers our bodies possess. Nothing makes you rest like being sick! We push and push ourselves, and then the body is smart enough to say, "ENOUGH!" Instead of being frustrated that you're sick, be grateful that you have the opportunity get sick. In other words, if you didn't go through the stage of being sick... you'd probably just feel fine one day and then skip right over to the death stage.
Also, this detoxification process is HEALTHY, AND--guess what--PART OF THE CYCLE OF LIFE! You skip one cycle, and you will find many more problems in the future. If we just mask the symptoms by taking over-the-counter drugs and medications, than we stunt this process.

GASP!! "You mean, I should actually go through the symptoms?"
The answer is, YES!! It is actually imperative to experience the symptoms and allow your body to heal and cleanse on its own. Otherwise, no detoxification occurs, and you are that much more susceptible to getting sick again.
You wouldn't take a pill to prevent going to the bathroom, would you? Then why would you take something that prevents you from fully healing?

Over the years I have come up with a few recipes that you can make in your own kitchen to help prevent getting sick , or help speed up the healing process; Naturally! Natural remedies assist the bodies immune system, whereas medications and drugs weaken it.
The good news, they are pretty cheap... and you can usually find them in your kitchen! (Plus, they are fun to make... and kids love helping!)

Onion-Thyme Syrup: (Particularly good for cold and sore throats)

1 Mason Jar (with a lid)
2 Organic Lemons
Raw Honey
Fresh Organic Thyme
1-2 Organic Sweet Onion (Vidalia is great)

*Note: It is imperative to get Organic whenever possible, especially when you are sick! Otherwise you will be adding pesticides to the syrup, which act as hormone disrupter's and weaken the immune system. This would be counter-productive.

Slice the onion into circles, 1 inch thick. Place one slice of onion on the bottom of the mason jar. Top with a sprig of Thyme, and 1 Tbsp. of raw honey. Repeat process until you reach the top of the jar (leave about 3 inches from top so you can shake the syrup.) Top with the juice of the lemons. Shake and place in your fridge.

Dosage: (shake syrup before each use)
On the onset of cold symptoms or a sore throat, add 1-2 Tbsp of syrup to 4 oz of hot water. Sip slowly and allow the syrup to penetrate the throat.
You may also just make a tea of it. Add 5-6 Tbsp. to a cup of hot water, and sip slowly.

Medicinal Properties:
Onion: Has an affinity to the lungs and acts as a mild expectorant--releases mucous.
Contains a powerful antioxidant called, Quercitin, and is beneficial in any
bronchial conditions; such as allergies and asthma. Onions are also
Antiseptic, Antibacterial, and Antiviral.

Raw Honey: Raw Honey has been used for thousands of years for its healing
properties. Used primarily for its antibacterial properties.
Making it great for killing the bacteria that cause sore throats.
Honey also acts as a mild preservative for this syrup!

Lemon: Potent source of Vitamin C and bioflavanoids which assists immunity and
attacks harmful bacteria. The scent of citrus awakens the senses and
uplifts our mood.

Thyme: Acts synergistically with lemon and honey to powerfully combat bacteria.
I chose thyme because it has a special affinity to aiding in chest and
respiratory issues. Also antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral.
It also helps dissolve mucous from both the lungs and the intestines (where
immunity begins.)
This is an herb I always use for any cold or flu symptoms!

Don't be scared that is has an onion in it! The honey and lemon over power the onion flavor, and I find that kids even like it!

Sore Throat Tea:

Ingredients: 4 bags of herbal tea infused with fruit and citrus (I used Red Zinger)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 tsp of RAW honey (please make sure it is raw and unfiltered)
1/4 tsp of cayenne

Take a sauce pan and boil water (enough for 4-5 cups.) Take the sauce pan off the heat and add the tea bags, and steep for about 8 minutes-or longer if you prefer a stronger taste-with the lid on. Remove the tea bags and stir in the additional ingredients! Enjoy HOT!

The key here is drinking it while it's still pretty hot (not too hot to burn your mouth) but hot enough to help kill the bacteria.

Prevention Pasta

6-10 cloves chopped garlic
1 T. chopped fresh Thyme
1 T. chopped fresh Oregano
1 T. chopped fresh Rosemary
1 tsp chopped fresh Sage
5 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 pinch of chili flakes
6-7 Organic Tomatoes diced (this is the key to the taste... so get good tomatoes!)
1 Tbsp Raw Honey
1-2 tsp Balsamic or Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Large handful of Fresh Parsley
Sea Salt
Organic Spaghetti Pasta

Add the first 7 ingredients into a saucepan, and heat slowly on medium heat (you don't want the garlic to burn.) Stir the herbs all together in the pan with a pinch of salt and pepper, until the garlic becomes translucent and you can smell the herbs.
Once the oil has been infused with the herbs and garlic, add the diced tomatoes and stir together. Simmer on medium-low heat for 30 min-1 hour, uncovered. The tomato sauce should be slightly bubbling. Turn the heat to low and stir in the vinegar, honey, and salt and pepper to taste (if you like a sweeter sauce, add more honey.)
Meanwhile, bring a big pot of water to a boil for the spaghetti pasta. Cook the pasta according to the directions on the bag.
Once pasta is cooked, add to the sauce. You will want more sauce to pasta, so make sure that you add a small amount of pasta to the sauce. Top with parsley and raw Parmesan cheese (omit if you are sensitive to dairy or already have a cold.)
Enjoy! The herb taste will be strong, but it will prevent any form of cold or flu!

I hope these recipes assist and empower you! Feeling sick doesn't have to be so unbearable when you understand your body better, AND you find ways to prevent sickness naturally!
There's something exciting about knowing that you hold the ingredients to healing yourself, and assisting your bodies own process of cleansing.
The next time you feel under the weather, get into the kitchen!


Robin Campbell said...


It is Robin from Liberty, I followed your link from FB. I LOVE that you posted these recipes. I am very interested in natural remedies and I feel grateful to be receiving them from a nutritionist! The Onion-Thyme syrup sounds really great. How long will it keep in the fridge?

Thank You Thank You, Your light is BRIGHT!!!

P.S. Love the pictures of your adventures!

Holistic Guidance said...

So great to hear from you!
Sorry for the delay!
Thank you dearly for your kind comments... there's nothing that inspires me more than natural medicine. The syrup should keep well for 3-4 months. Quite honestly--in the winter months--it doesn't stay in the fridge for more than a couple of weeks (because we use so much of it!)
SO MUCH LOVE sent your way!